Sunday, April 29, 2012
Passion II
This post is going along with my last post; passion. I want to show you how much I love dance, enjoy!
[pash-uhn] Show IPA
My definition:
Something that you really enjoy learning, teaching, reading or being involved in
Ballet, I like learning about anything that has to do with ballet. I watch movies that have any sort of ballet in it. I like dancing ballet. It is peaceful and fun to do. I taught ballet to some little girls at my neighbors dance studio for a while, I had a lot of fun with it.
People think that ballet is just a girly thing, but look at me! I am not girly at all, I don't own any pink. I love to get dirty and listen to loud rock music, and have crazy hair. Who would think that someone like me would dance ballet? I absolutely love it. Like a runner who likes to run with beautiful scenery around them instead of just a boring track. Meaning: I breath dance. Just like runners like clean air. (scenery). I was on point for a while. Then I did not have the time for classes anymore, so I stopped. I loved doing it. I went to the Academy of Ballet. I have always wanted to be the prima-ballerina that every dancer knows, and who dances for a living, but I know that will not happen because I don't have the time, it is not a realistic dream, I am not skinny or fit enough, and I don't have the money for all of the schooling.
A ballet tv show right now that I am addicted to on netflix is Dance Academy. I watch at least one episode a day. I really like it. I can to relate to it and I also want to live it. I would love to be in a Ballet boarding school. But my mom wont let me. I think it would be a great adventure.
I can't wait to see what the future holds for me!
Friday, April 20, 2012
This is an awesome website.
If you are creative,
like me,
and you like to do stuff on your own.
You like to get your hands dirty
while creating memories
that will last a life time,
then you will love this website.
I like to do things
in an new,
and different way.
I have made my
own pair of shoes.
I have designed my
own clothing
and dresses.
I like to play with
people's hair.
I am so excited
to go to Cosmetology
School starting in JUNE!
I also find different ways
to design and decorate
your nails.
I don't care about feet.
They do not gross me out like other people.
So I love doing people's pedicures!
I love experimenting with different things,
I even make my own jean purses.
And hair bows.
I cut my own hair,
And dye it to when I feel like it!
If you are creative,
like me,
and you like to do stuff on your own.
You like to get your hands dirty
while creating memories
that will last a life time,
then you will love this website.
I like to do things
in an new,
and different way.
I have made my
own pair of shoes.
I have designed my
own clothing
and dresses.
I like to play with
people's hair.
I am so excited
to go to Cosmetology
School starting in JUNE!
I also find different ways
to design and decorate
your nails.
I don't care about feet.
They do not gross me out like other people.
So I love doing people's pedicures!
I love experimenting with different things,
I even make my own jean purses.
And hair bows.
I cut my own hair,
And dye it to when I feel like it!
How To Make Hanging Pom-Poms
Hanging Pom-Poms
1. Stack eight 20-by-30-inch sheets of tissue. Make 1 1/2-inchwide accordion folds, creasing with each fold.
1. Stack eight 20-by-30-inch sheets of tissue. Make 1 1/2-inchwide accordion folds, creasing with each fold.
2. Fold an 18-inch piece of floral wire in half, and slip over center of folded tissue; twist. With scissors, trim ends of tissue into rounded or pointy shapes.
3. Separate layers, pulling away from center one at a time.
4. Tie a length of monofilament to floral wire for hanging.
3. Separate layers, pulling away from center one at a time.
4. Tie a length of monofilament to floral wire for hanging.
Hanging Pom-Poms
1. Stack eight 20-by-30-inch sheets of tissue. Make 1 1/2-inchwide accordion folds, creasing with each fold.
1. Stack eight 20-by-30-inch sheets of tissue. Make 1 1/2-inchwide accordion folds, creasing with each fold.
2. Fold an 18-inch piece of floral wire in half, and slip over center of folded tissue; twist. With scissors, trim ends of tissue into rounded or pointy shapes.
3. Separate layers, pulling away from center one at a time.
4. Tie a length of monofilament to floral wire for hanging.
3. Separate layers, pulling away from center one at a time.
4. Tie a length of monofilament to floral wire for hanging.
How to make Easy Summer LIghting
How to make Easy Summer LIghting
Here is what you’ll need:
- Several cleaned jars. I always keep mine for projects. Soak them in water to get the tags off and use some Goo Gone for the glue residue. Make sure to clean them with soap to get all the Goo Gone off or else the paint won’t stick.
- Yarn or some sort of string. If the yarn has a lot of fuzzy fibers they may stick to the jar a little but it won’t be very noticeable so don’t worry about it too much
- A can of white spray paint. I used Flat. You can use any color you want but with winter coming up I though white was best suited.
- You’ll also need something to cover whatever surface you’ll be spraying on. Spray paint doesn’t work as well when it’s cold outside so it will take longer to dry. Make sure to give it some extra time before you touch the jars.
- Yarn or some sort of string. If the yarn has a lot of fuzzy fibers they may stick to the jar a little but it won’t be very noticeable so don’t worry about it too much
- A can of white spray paint. I used Flat. You can use any color you want but with winter coming up I though white was best suited.
- You’ll also need something to cover whatever surface you’ll be spraying on. Spray paint doesn’t work as well when it’s cold outside so it will take longer to dry. Make sure to give it some extra time before you touch the jars.
I used some regular packaging string and some yard with texture. Wrap the string around the jar tightly and tie a knot. Now wrap the string around the rest of the jar tightly criss-crossing and overlapping until you like what you see. Then just tie the end to the leftover string where you started and cut off the ends.
Place the jars onto your covered surface upside down and spray paint them evenly with 2-3 coats. Make sure to let them dry for 5-10 minutes in between coats. Once they are fully dried just cut the string in one place and unwrap. Now you can place a tea light inside and decorate away 
I think it would also look cute to wrap some twine around the bases of the jars for some more texture
I love the different effects the skinny string and the textured yarn create. The jars that were wrapped with the thicker yarn look like they have puffy clouds floating in the sky.
This project is also super cheap since the jars were free and I had the string and yarn on hand, all it cost me was a can of spray paint. They would also make great little gifts, just tie a ribbon and bow around 3 and you’re ready to go.
This project is also super cheap since the jars were free and I had the string and yarn on hand, all it cost me was a can of spray paint. They would also make great little gifts, just tie a ribbon and bow around 3 and you’re ready to go.
How to make homemade ice cream in a baggie

How to make homemade ice cream in a baggie. This is just as cool as my homemade butter in a canning jar. Oh how I wish I could take credit for coming up with this one, but I can’t. I saw it in Disney Family Fun Magazine the other day and thought it was such a great idea. I whipped up a few batches in no time and soon we were eating homemade ice cream from a baggie. I’m pretty sure this is not a new concept and has been done for years, but its new to me. Here is what you will need to make homemade ice cream in a baggie: 2 TBL sugar 1 cup half & half (or light cream) 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 cup coarse salt or table salt(I used canning salt) ice gallon-sized Ziploc bag pint-sized Ziploc bag Mix the sugar, half & half and vanilla extract together. Pour into a pint-sized Ziploc baggie. Make sure it seals tightly. Now take the gallon-sized Ziploc bag and fill it up halfway with ice and pour the salt over the ice. Now place the cream filled bag into the ice filled bag and seal. Make sure it is sealed tightly and start shaking. Shake for about 5 minutes (or 8 minutes if you use heavy cream.) Open the gallon-sized bag and check to see if the ice cream is hard, if not keep shaking. Once the ice cream is finished, quickly run the closed pint-sized baggie under cold water to quickly clean the salt off the baggie. Open the baggie and pop in a spoon. Hope you enjoy your homemade ice cream in a baggie as much as we do
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Real World
The real world is a slap in the face.
When you walk out the movie theater after watching an amazing movie and your life just seems
boring, you feel like the movie was the Real World, and that your life is the movie.
It is really quite disapointing.
When you are reading a fantasy that you are really into, you just can't stop thinking about how different things would be if we lived in that world.
How boring our world is without our imagination and dreams being the reality.
Every teenager can't wait to get out of the house.
But when they finally do get out of the house, it is a reality shock,
they have to start paying for their own food, clothes, school, gas, car, everything!
And they Have to get a job that pays enough for pay for rent and all the things that they need.
They are all on there own.
They think that they have so much freedom, and that they can party and go out all the time,
But really it doesn't happen like that,
When someone starts drugs, they think, that they are different from everyone else, and they think that what happens to others wont happen to them. (The conciquences of doing drugs)
They think that the get more friends, but really, those people are not there for you, they are just wanting to not be alone.
They don't care about your problems, they don't care about how you are feeling.
All they think about is their own problems and their next high, and how they are going to get the drugs and money to get that high.
Not one person says that they don't regret what they did
They wish that they had never done it in the first place.
When you look at the billboards, and magazines,
You think that somewhere out there in the world, someone looks like what you are looking at.
Skinny, perfect smooth skin, Bright eyes, perfect hair, cute clothes, but really, after the picture is taken, the photoshop it, and make it look even better then what it really is.
It is not real.
Not one person looks like what they show in the media.
When you walk out the movie theater after watching an amazing movie and your life just seems
boring, you feel like the movie was the Real World, and that your life is the movie.
It is really quite disapointing.
When you are reading a fantasy that you are really into, you just can't stop thinking about how different things would be if we lived in that world.
How boring our world is without our imagination and dreams being the reality.
Every teenager can't wait to get out of the house.
But when they finally do get out of the house, it is a reality shock,
they have to start paying for their own food, clothes, school, gas, car, everything!
And they Have to get a job that pays enough for pay for rent and all the things that they need.
They are all on there own.
They think that they have so much freedom, and that they can party and go out all the time,
But really it doesn't happen like that,
When someone starts drugs, they think, that they are different from everyone else, and they think that what happens to others wont happen to them. (The conciquences of doing drugs)
They think that the get more friends, but really, those people are not there for you, they are just wanting to not be alone.
They don't care about your problems, they don't care about how you are feeling.
All they think about is their own problems and their next high, and how they are going to get the drugs and money to get that high.
Not one person says that they don't regret what they did
They wish that they had never done it in the first place.
When you look at the billboards, and magazines,
You think that somewhere out there in the world, someone looks like what you are looking at.
Skinny, perfect smooth skin, Bright eyes, perfect hair, cute clothes, but really, after the picture is taken, the photoshop it, and make it look even better then what it really is.
It is not real.
Not one person looks like what they show in the media.
Be honest, but don't hurt anyone's feelings.
Be independent, but not a loner.
Be smart, but not a nerd.
Be sexy, but not a slut.
Be skinny, but don't barf up your burger.
Be funny, but not to hide some other deficiency.
How the heck is a girl supposed to "be" anything?
-Heaven looks a lot like the mall, page 15
Monday, April 2, 2012
Must Do's!
This is now my favorite website! It has amazing ideas that I want to try! They take something old, and dingy and turn it into something cute and modern! I would wear everything that is on the website.
This website is a must look at!
This is now my favorite website! It has amazing ideas that I want to try! They take something old, and dingy and turn it into something cute and modern! I would wear everything that is on the website.
This website is a must look at!
I don't really get imbarassed.
If I fall down the stairs at school,
I laugh, get up and still laugh.
Yeah I feel stupid,
But really who cares,
If you fall down the stairs?
A lot of other people do it!
I have the talent of
Tripping on Flat surfaces.
I don't get imbarassed
If my makeup is messed up,
Or if I look weird,
Or if I am acting weird.
That is who I am,
I am happy with who I am.
I am not going to change.
In life you choose
What you feel like sometimes.
And embarassment
Is one of those feelings
That you can control.
That is just life.
If something happens to you,
I bet that at least one other person
Is having the same thing happen to them.
Why be imbaressed?
If I fall down the stairs at school,
I laugh, get up and still laugh.
Yeah I feel stupid,
But really who cares,
If you fall down the stairs?
A lot of other people do it!
I have the talent of
Tripping on Flat surfaces.
I don't get imbarassed
If my makeup is messed up,
Or if I look weird,
Or if I am acting weird.
That is who I am,
I am happy with who I am.
I am not going to change.
In life you choose
What you feel like sometimes.
And embarassment
Is one of those feelings
That you can control.
That is just life.
If something happens to you,
I bet that at least one other person
Is having the same thing happen to them.
Why be imbaressed?
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