Thursday, May 17, 2012
Bored? #2
Brianna K Loveridge
I love to dance, I am in a professional Tahitian dance group, we put on shows for people all the time, we charge $500 for us to come and dance for you. I love dancing no matter what type of dancing it is. I have pointe shoes, I am in a jazz class, at school we do modern, and I love hip hop, so really I have a mix of everything.
I am always doing something, I am always on the go, I am never just sitting there. I like to keep myself busy, I go crazy if I don't have anything to do. I have lived in eagle mountain Utah for eleven years. I have traveled all over the states. I am random I am spontaneous I am ambitious
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Journal Prompt on March 15th 2012
I never thought that I would ever get to this point. I swing the door wide open so I could get a good look of the place. It was really dark and muggy. I scanned the wall with my hands trying to find the light switch. Ha! There it is. I flipped them on and looked around.
This was more then I expected. I thought that it would be more run down then this. It was big and majestic, you could see everything, it was a glass house that could not hide anything.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
You know when you are walking home from school, and you are bored out of your mind?
Well, just put your ear buds in and turn up the music.
Start dancing around, swing your arms around. Act and dance as if no one is watching. No one cares what you look like.
The world doesn't care what you look like.
As long as you are having fun, just go with it. It doesn't matter what people think! Who cares about them?!
Just have the time of your life!
If you are having troubles with doing this, just close your eyes and just let yourself go. Put your guard down. Feel like you are the only one in the world.
Focus on the music that is playing in your ears, and the music inside of you. And then just dance to it!
Love who you are, love what you are doing, and just let your mind wonder.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Passion II
This post is going along with my last post; passion. I want to show you how much I love dance, enjoy!
[pash-uhn] Show IPAFriday, April 20, 2012
If you are creative,
like me,
and you like to do stuff on your own.
You like to get your hands dirty
while creating memories
that will last a life time,
then you will love this website.
I like to do things
in an new,
and different way.
I have made my
own pair of shoes.
I have designed my
own clothing
and dresses.
I like to play with
people's hair.
I am so excited
to go to Cosmetology
School starting in JUNE!
I also find different ways
to design and decorate
your nails.
I don't care about feet.
They do not gross me out like other people.
So I love doing people's pedicures!
I love experimenting with different things,
I even make my own jean purses.
And hair bows.
I cut my own hair,
And dye it to when I feel like it!
How To Make Hanging Pom-Poms
1. Stack eight 20-by-30-inch sheets of tissue. Make 1 1/2-inchwide accordion folds, creasing with each fold.
3. Separate layers, pulling away from center one at a time.
4. Tie a length of monofilament to floral wire for hanging.
1. Stack eight 20-by-30-inch sheets of tissue. Make 1 1/2-inchwide accordion folds, creasing with each fold.
3. Separate layers, pulling away from center one at a time.
4. Tie a length of monofilament to floral wire for hanging.
How to make Easy Summer LIghting
- Yarn or some sort of string. If the yarn has a lot of fuzzy fibers they may stick to the jar a little but it won’t be very noticeable so don’t worry about it too much
- A can of white spray paint. I used Flat. You can use any color you want but with winter coming up I though white was best suited.
- You’ll also need something to cover whatever surface you’ll be spraying on. Spray paint doesn’t work as well when it’s cold outside so it will take longer to dry. Make sure to give it some extra time before you touch the jars.
This project is also super cheap since the jars were free and I had the string and yarn on hand, all it cost me was a can of spray paint. They would also make great little gifts, just tie a ribbon and bow around 3 and you’re ready to go.
How to make homemade ice cream in a baggie
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Real World
When you walk out the movie theater after watching an amazing movie and your life just seems
boring, you feel like the movie was the Real World, and that your life is the movie.
It is really quite disapointing.
When you are reading a fantasy that you are really into, you just can't stop thinking about how different things would be if we lived in that world.
How boring our world is without our imagination and dreams being the reality.
Every teenager can't wait to get out of the house.
But when they finally do get out of the house, it is a reality shock,
they have to start paying for their own food, clothes, school, gas, car, everything!
And they Have to get a job that pays enough for pay for rent and all the things that they need.
They are all on there own.
They think that they have so much freedom, and that they can party and go out all the time,
But really it doesn't happen like that,
When someone starts drugs, they think, that they are different from everyone else, and they think that what happens to others wont happen to them. (The conciquences of doing drugs)
They think that the get more friends, but really, those people are not there for you, they are just wanting to not be alone.
They don't care about your problems, they don't care about how you are feeling.
All they think about is their own problems and their next high, and how they are going to get the drugs and money to get that high.
Not one person says that they don't regret what they did
They wish that they had never done it in the first place.
When you look at the billboards, and magazines,
You think that somewhere out there in the world, someone looks like what you are looking at.
Skinny, perfect smooth skin, Bright eyes, perfect hair, cute clothes, but really, after the picture is taken, the photoshop it, and make it look even better then what it really is.
It is not real.
Not one person looks like what they show in the media.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Must Do's!
This is now my favorite website! It has amazing ideas that I want to try! They take something old, and dingy and turn it into something cute and modern! I would wear everything that is on the website.
This website is a must look at!
If I fall down the stairs at school,
I laugh, get up and still laugh.
Yeah I feel stupid,
But really who cares,
If you fall down the stairs?
A lot of other people do it!
I have the talent of
Tripping on Flat surfaces.
I don't get imbarassed
If my makeup is messed up,
Or if I look weird,
Or if I am acting weird.
That is who I am,
I am happy with who I am.
I am not going to change.
In life you choose
What you feel like sometimes.
And embarassment
Is one of those feelings
That you can control.
That is just life.
If something happens to you,
I bet that at least one other person
Is having the same thing happen to them.
Why be imbaressed?
Friday, March 30, 2012
If you would like you could look up the All Blacks Team for rugby and see them do their Haka before a game!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to handle Jealousy:
Jealousy has
Frightening eyes.
Jealousy has
Grinding teeth.
Jealousy has
A cunning face.
Jealousy can live
Without a mind,
Without a heart,
Without a soul,
Even without God.
Human jealousy
And divine Ecstasy
Are eternal strangers.
Is an aggressive boxer,
A repulsive dancer,
A hopeless singer
And a useless storyteller.
Before you entered
Into my life,
I was the world's
Richest prince.
Now that you are in me
And I am for you,
I have become
The poorest street-beggar.
You are my constant
You are my constant
Shortest is the distance
From jealousy to hell.
You are your own
Excerpt from My Jealousy Is My Madness-Burden by Sri Chinmoy.
A competent and self-confident person is incapable of jealousy in anything. Jealousy is invariably a symptom of neurotic insecurity.
Robert A. Heinlein
A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy.
Jean Baudrillard
Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love.
George Eliot
Back then I didn't think a woman like that, or a relationship like that, could exist with complete freedom and no jealousy or possessiveness. I thought it sounded too good to be true and I was certainly convinced it wasn't the life for me!
Sylvia Kristel
But when I would see the surrogate, my first instinct, my first reaction would be jealousy, because she was doing what I wanted to do.
Cheryl Tiegs
Don't waste time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind.
Mary Schmich
From heresy, frenzy and jealousy, good Lord deliver me.
Ludovico Ariosto
I do not say anything from jealousy.
Anna Held
It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.
Lawrence Durrell
It is remarkable that jealousy of individual property in land often goes along with very exaggerated doctrines of tribal or national property in land.
William Graham Sumner
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Hunger Games Girl on Fire – Official iOS Game Review

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Most of my dreams could be turned into very popular movies. They are full of adventure and sometimes even romance. They are very structured and easy to follow. There is a bad guy, a good setting, a good guy, goals and motives. I would love to make any of my dreams into a movie. So if you know of a movie director that is looking for a story that they could turn into a movie, then give him/me the information to contact!
They make me think that I have a purpose in this world and that I am meant to be here and I have a task to accomplish. Maybe it is saving the world, but I don't know how I could ever do that. When the time comes, if it does come, I would probably find a way to do it.
Monday, March 5, 2012
But courage is not to stear.
Courage is strength,
And bravery to no length.
Courage is acceptance,
Without disturbance.
Courage is love,
Without rove.
Courage is a weakness,
That makes you anxious.
Courage is not failing and giving up,
Courage is failing and trying again without doubt.
Courage is not anger,
Courage is love to no end.
Courage is not hard,
Courage is something everyone has.
Courage is not scary,
Courage is pushing aside what is scary.
Courage is not hiding,
Courage is to speak out above everyone else.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Fear is common.
Everyone has fear.
We are all afraid of something else.
Fear eats your sanity.
Fear controls you.
Fear manipulates you.
people sometimes seek fear.
Some people even go TO their fear.
Fear is everywhere.
Fear is always there,
Fear never goes away.
Is one of my
Many fears.
When I say
I mean A LOT!
Hides everything,
good and bad.
Someone could be
Right in front
Of your face,
And you would
not even know it.
You can't see...
So when you
walk into something
and it hurts WAY bad.
Because you are unguarded
Unprepared, and not ready for it.
Anything can be in that
great oblivion of darkness.
Pain. I do not like to be in pain. It scares me.
Biological dad. I am to the point now that I won't even answer the door or the phone just because I am afraid that it will be him.
Darkness. I have a night light in my room. When I enter a new room there has to be at least a little bit of light or I will panic. I really don't like a lit up room, I like dim, just not pitch black darkness that hides everything that is in it. Someone can jump out and kill me without me ever seeing it or noticing that he is right in front of my my face until I am in pain.
I am afraid of love. Of opening myself up again, and letting someone in. I am afraid of getting hurt and attatched to something that wont last.
I am afraid of needles. I can't even look at them, when they are in somone or not.
I am afraid of growing old alone, without anyone to love and hold me through the years of my life.
I am afraid of deep water. I have alot of nightmares where there is a something giant, comeing up out of the darkness of the deep. Whether the animal is dangerous or not, I will still be really scared. I don't like to go somewhere I can't see the bottom or anything where I just feel vunerable and where I can't touch the bottom.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Untitled, By Hannah Baker, From the book 13 Reasons Why

you would see no land.
If my love were a desert,
you would see only sand.
If my love were a star-
late at night,only light.
And if my love could grow wings,
I'd be soaring in flight.
I got this poem from the book 13 Reasons Why, by Jay Asher. He has worked at an independent bookstore, an outlet bookstore, a chain bookstore, and two public libraries. He hopes, someday, to work for a used bookstore. When he is not writing, Jay plays guitar and goes camping.
I like this poem because alot of times I can not even put words to my feelings, and I really like how he was able to put words to a feeling. And I love some things so much that it really cant be put into words or explained, and he did it!